she is weird...5yrs down the line i still say it
she is thee single most wonderful thing to happen to me
she gets me and understands me...
we fight...a lot
she has this weird laugh almost like a donkey...
shes weird and makes faces to tell her story
some say she's mean, you gotta understand her to love her
she doesn't know how to carry my load
she just makes me laugh at it,about it and somehow it becomes easier
she's the worst singer gosh...
but she dedicates me, and sings me songs and i find my self in tears
(even when i can't hear the words)
its the thought that counts....

she loves the color orange...and doesn't eat much
she enjoys dancing, but bad at it
we have awesome sleepovers
and before we get lost in dream land we fight...who puts their hand where...
(i should not mention those)

she a free soul, sometimes too free
but i learned to appreciate it
she brings laughter to a dull day, and my days aren't the same without her
we like different, different tastes...but get along perfect
what they call complementing each other...
i can go on for so time writing about her...



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