To Receive...


To Receive...

Pride_ consciousness of one's own dignity. 

Shame_ A painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.

Entitlement_ The fact of having a right to something.

....and then there is the Issue of Grace.  The unmerited favor that God gives, not because of anything we have done to earn it. So how do we receive it? 

It is funny how despite the joy of receiving and how we would practically want to receive anything for FREE we just cannot understand or even receive this grace for FREE. Is it a complex matter, even for the Christian who so much believes in God. Some worry that Christians take advantage because of this, and Paul teaches well on the subject in the book of Romans, (and again, do not ask if God foreknew, then why did HeπŸ˜‚) I have wondered that myself a couple of times. If He knew Adam was gonna eat the Tree why put it there? 

See we can question God however way we want, we can even come to a conclusion that He is not real, honestly we can think whatever. He gave us the freedom to anyway. He is not fragile to our disbelief in Him. His being is not threatens by conclusions we draw of him based on our limited comprehension. He does not not even strike us down for blasphemy. 

Pride and Entitlement make us believe we have earned something. Glory and honor to us cos we worked hard for it. We then look down on those we call sinners cos they deserve pain and shame cos well they are evil. We believe we are good( obviously based on our standards) and it is not shocking when we are blessed. WE DESERVE It!!! Except it is not what the bible says!

Others bare shame. Come to church but can never fully enjoy grace because constantly there is a reminder of what they have done and so they do not know how to fully experience grace. They judge themselves against the standard set by church, and do not allow the Holy Spirit to work out their faith. 

The truth is, it is not on us. There is nothing we can do, to earn us the right. We just believe in our hearts, and faithfully start this journey. Only Jesus could fully leave out the law and not even fail at one commandment. Receiving him in our heart means we acknowledge that we do not have what it takes, and that brings us to a humble place. When you meet someone who loves you, and you wonder what have I done for you to love me so much? why do you even love me? and so you do not self sabotage, you do not take advantage, you become better. You play your part in this relationship. You pull your weight and gather your life according to the new standards as revealed through His word by the Holy spirit in you.  

 Daily you fight your mind cos you want to be believe the best, make better choices, but you will mess us, and get tired and frustrated cos your will versus what His word says will conflict a lot. Applying faith is not like having a magical wand that just turns things around. It would help to still remember that, By Grace you were saved, and by Grace you are sustained. 

Take is easy. You do not have to do it alone. whatever makes it hard, He can help. 

Its a love thingπŸ’™


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