Our lives are like puzzles. From day one we build up,  put the  pieces together towards a beautiful picture we invision. Each day we like builders,  adding one brick a day, nothing on that lazy and maybe five hundred bricks on that productive day....but just as the house needs a strong foundation so does our lives.  Just as that puzzle needs a strong board base to hold we need a strong foundation,  a point of focus, somewhere to back to when you feel like you don't know where you are going, a place to look when you have forgotten why you going that route.  When you start asking the why question,  wondering if its all worth ....
Its only when you about to give up that your foundation will remind you why you started in the first place...
The people we live around add pieces, sometimes our favour,  but often to complete their dreams....
Its only when you done that you realise it wasn't yours to start with....
So as each day unfolds, have the courage to look within. Build a strong starting point that will remind you,  why when you forget down the road....
See the picture in your head and only pick up puzzle pieces that will help you complete your dream...


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